EDIT Authorization Operations

The Authorization information requirements.

Requires a client selected dashboard.
Select the Client Authorizations setion.

New Financial Eligibility
1. Click on the Authorization ID number hyperlink to navigate to the edit screen.
2. Edit the following information as required.
a. If a pending authorization. check the Pending Authorization box and enter the Pending Date.
b. If this is not a transfer from another facility, select None, else select the originating facility.
c. Select the Facility.
d. Select the Treatment Type.
e. Select the Fund.
f. Select the Auth Usage.
g. Enter the Effective Start date.
h. The Effective End date is automatically set for the next day. Should the client need a longer stay the Effective End date can be edited.
i. Enter the Admit Date.
j. Enter the Discharge Date.
i. Select the Submit button. The user is returned to the selected client dashboard.